Hip, Hip, Hooray!

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Hip, Hip, Hooray!

December 21, 2020

The hip joint can withstand repeated motion and a fair amount of wear and tear. This ball-and-socket joint — the body’s largest — fits together in a way that allows for fluid movement. Therefore, it’s important for anyone to maintain an adequate amount of range of motion in the hip joint […]Your hips do a lot of work over the course of a lifetime especially if you’re an athlete or active. This joint has to withstand the majority of body weight when standing, walking, running, climbing, and jumping. Activities that cause hip pain include wear and tear, overuse, sports, and poor flexibility. When something goes wrong in the hip joint, there are a lot of possible culprits including: arthritis, hip fractures, bursitis, tendonitis, muscle or tendon strain, hip lateral tear, cancers, snapping hip syndrome, stress fracture, dislocation. People with hip issues experience problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues that surround the hip joint.

Common symptoms include:

-Discomfort in thighs, inside of the hip joint, groin, butt, outside of hip joint,
-Inability to move
-Sudden swelling
-Intense pain
-Can’t bear weight
-Heard a popping noise
-IT band syndrome
-Pulled hamstring
-Sports hernia

When feeling pain in the hips, some stretches and movements can be done to alleviate the pain, but it still important to seek treatment from a PT.

Quadriceps stretch

  1. Stand upright with the legs straight and the feet shoulder-width apart. For support, hold on to a chair, table, or wall.
  2. Bending the left knee, bring the heel up toward the left buttock with the top of the foot facing the floor. Be sure to keep the right leg straight and align the knees.
  3. Slowly lower the leg and return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

Hamstring stretch

  1. Lie on the back, extending both legs flat along the floor.
  2. Keeping the left leg straight, pull the right knee up toward the chest.
  3. Place both hands on top of the knee to help pull it in toward the chest.
  4. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds.
  5. Let go of the knee and gently lower the leg back toward the floor.

Hip and lower back stretch

  1. Lying flat on the back, bend the knees and bring them toward the body until the feet are flat on the floor.
  2. Using the hands, pull both knees in toward the chest.
  3. Breathe deeply, pulling the knees closer to the shoulders with each exhalation.
  4. Go as far as is comfortable, then hold the position for 20–30 seconds. Breathe normally.

If hip pain makes everyday activities more difficult, consider physical therapy. You deserve a pain-free life. If you or someone you love is suffering from hip pain, contact net level physical therapy today. Our experienced physicians have the solutions for your hip pain, no matter the cause. Make your appointment today and get on the path to recovery.